Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tunbridge sixteen

Visit sixteen in early Spring, this time we were welcomed with wild and cold equinoctial winds on the first night of our arrival. Loud bangs and scrapes kept us alert in our bed during the night. Brisbane has cathartic thunderstorms but Tunbridge has wild, wild winds - and once again we thrilled at the differences between our two 'homes'. Green, wet, windy and cold - the morning brought bright sun and these sweet arrivals;
Muscari or Grape Hyacinth - those little garlic sized bulbs that often turn up when weeding I'm glad to see they have survived last summer's hasty re-burial in this spot. 

Apricot, the first of the espaliered trees to blossom, though the frosts that are sure to follow will usually spoil any chance of these flowers developing into fruit - this sight is charm enough.

Two survivors, Blue Fescue grass and Rosemary - looks like I should plant more of these.